
Beauveria bassiana is a well-known insecticidal biocontrol agent. Despite its broad field applications, its survival, colonization, and stability under field conditions remained unclear, mainly due to the lack of a quick and reliable detection method. In this study, we developed a quantitative real-time PCR technology to monitor the stability and population dynamics of B. bassiana in different substrates (water, soil, and on the cotton leaves surface), different spores of B. bassiana applied on Chinese cabbage leaves surface, and the lethality of Pieris rapae spraying with different spores of B. bassiana. Our results showed a decreased concentration of B. bassiana DNA in all three substrates from the 1st day till 9th day of post inoculation (dpi) period, possibly due to the death of B. bassiana. After this decrease, a quick and significant rebound of B. bassiana DNA concentration was observed, starting from the 11th dpi in all three substrates. The B. bassiana DNA concentration reached the plateau at about 13th dpi in water and 17th dpi in the soil. On cotton leaves surface, the B. bassiana DNA concentration reached the highest level at the 17th dpi followed by a small decline and then stabilized. This increase of DNA concentration suggested recovery of B. bassiana growth in all three substrates. We found that the most suitable killing effectiveness of P. rapae was the 1.0 × 107 spores/mL of B. bassiana. In summary, we have established a detection technology that allows a fast and reliable monitoring for the concentration and stability of B. bassiana under different conditions. This technology can benefit and help us in the development of proper management strategies for the application of this biocontrol agent in the field.

1. Introduction

Beauveria bassiana is an entomopathogenic fungus that can infect more than 700 insect species belonging to 149 different families in 15 different orders by causing white muscardine disease in them [13]. To date, entomopathogenic fungi have been used as biological control agents for the management of various insect and mite pests [4]. B. bassiana is the most well studied entomopathogenic fungi and has been frequently used as a commercial mycoinsecticide in the field [5, 6]. For example, B. bassiana was used to control insect pests, including Pissodes castaneus, Ostrinia nubilalis, and Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, infield through direct spraying [79]. It is known that B. bassiana is safe to human, natural beneficial insects, and beneficial microorganisms. During field applications, it can also be used together with other commercial chemical pesticides [1012]. More importantly, there is no evidence that insect pest(s) has evolved resistance against B. bassiana. Currently, B. bassiana is widely used to control insect pests in the order of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, including many forest pests [13, 14].

It was reported that B. bassiana could secrete many biologically active compounds like lactide and poisonous proteases during its infection in insect hosts [15, 16]. B. bassiana is also known to hijack nutrients and water from the infected insects to accelerate their death process [17]. B. bassiana spores can be formulated to produce wettable powder for commercial use in agriculture as well as in forests [1821]. A separate study conducted recently showed that the survival and successful recolonization of the B. bassiana in field depended largely on environmental factors [22]. We reasoned that the understanding of the survival and growth dynamics of this fungus in nature is necessary for the integration of this biocontrol agent into a more effective and safe plant protection strategy and to reduces public concerns on environment conservation [23, 24].

Peng and coworkers investigated the growth and survival of Metarhizium anisopliae in oriental migratory locust [25]. In this study, we used a similar strategy to establish an accurate quantitative real-time PCR technology to determine the stability of B. bassiana in various substrates (i.e., water, soil, and cotton leaves surface) at 28°C. With this new technology, we can now monitor B. bassiana population dynamics and regrowth in field samples and develop more effective management strategies using this and other biocontrol agents.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials

B. bassiana was originally isolated from a tomato field in Yueyang, China (113°00′4.39″E, 29°45′9.41″N) and then maintained in the laboratory. Before use, this fungus was grown till a concentration of 1.0 × 1012 spores/g·mass. The liquid growth medium used for B. bassiana was potato dextrose agar (PDA-Medium), and the carbon-to-nitrogen (C : N) ratio was at 10 : 1 (Vega. 2003). Cotton plants used in this study were grown in a greenhouse and the soil was from Chunhua in Changsha, China (113°25′56.50″E, 28°27′80.40″N), which contained 10% water, and the water used was the natural water from a lake in Changsha, China (113°09′04.77″E, 28°19′39.14″N).

2.2. DNA Extraction from B. bassiana

DNA was extracted from B. bassiana containing water, soil, and plant leaf samples using a DNA extraction kit (Tiangen Biochemical Technology, Beijing, China). Concentration and quality of each DNA sample were measured by using a spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, USA). For each DNA sample, three technical replicates were analyzed during real-time fluorescent PCR with a SYBR Green I reagent (TransGen Biotech, Beijing, China) as instructed by the manufacturer (TransGen Biotech).

2.3. Synthesis of B. bassiana Specific Primers

The initial PCR amplification was carried out using a set of bacterial universal primers (Baker. 2003) and the DNA isolated from B. bassiana. The resulting PCR products were cloned and sequenced by the TSINGKN Biotech (TSINGKN Biotech, Beijing, China). Conserved DNA sequences obtained from the PCR products were analyzed using the DNAMAN software, and six pairs of real-time PCR primers were designed based on the obtained sequences using the Primer 5.0 software in the DNAMAN (LynnonBiosoft, USA). In the subsequent real-time PCR assays, diluted B. bassiana genomic DNA or double distilled water (ddH2O) were used as the positive and negative control sample, respectively. The six designed primer sets were first tested by gradient PCR with three different annealing temperatures (52, 54 and 56°C) and later by PCR amplifications. The resulting PCR products were visualized in agarose gels through electrophoresis. The primer set giving a single specific PCR product was considered to be the optimal B. bassianareal-time PCR primer set and was used in further experiments.

2.4. Preparation of Real-Time PCR Standard Curve

According to a previously described method [26], we first generated a recombinant plasmid DNA carrying a fragment of B. bassiana genomic DNA and then measured its concentration using a spectrophotometer. The copy number of the recombinant plasmid DNA was calculated as previously reported [27] and then further diluted prior to the real-time fluorescent PCR on a CFX96™Real-Time System (Bio-Rad, California, USA), and the standard curve was established using the concentration logarithm and the Ct values.

2.5. Determination of Detection Limit Using Purified B. bassiana DNA

B. bassiana was homogenized, dried, and diluted 1 : 99 (w/v) in sterilized water. The diluted sample was incubated at 28°C inside an incubator and sampled once every two days (one mL sample per sampling time) till the 29th day of postincubation (dpi) period. The collected samples were centrifuged at 12,000 rpm/min for 1 minute and the supernatants were discarded prior to the extraction of DNA from the pellets. For real-time PCR reactions, three technical replicates were analyzed and used to represent a specific DNA sample.

2.6. Detection of B. bassiana DNA in Soil Samples

One gram dried B. bassiana powder was mixed with 99 grams sterilized black soil, incubated at 28°C in an incubator and then sampled once every two days (1 g soil sample per sampling time) as described above. The collected soil samples (0.1 g each) were used for DNA extraction as described above. Real-time PCR was then performed using three technical replicates per sample.

2.7. Detection of B. bassiana DNA in Cotton (Gossypium spp.) Leaves Samples

One gram dried B. bassiana powder was diluted in 99 grams sterilized water and then spread onto the surface of cotton leaves. After air drying, three to four cotton leaf pieces were randomly collected once every two days. The sampled cotton leaf tissues were grounded in liquid nitrogen and 0.1 g powder from each leaf sample was used for DNA extraction. For real-time PCR, three technical replicates were used to represent a specific sample.

2.8. Detection of Different Number Spores of B. bassiana DNA on Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa Pekinensis) Leaves

The B. bassiana with 1.0 × 102 (A), 1.0 × 104 (B), 1.0 × 106 (C), 1.0 × 107 (D), and 1.0 × 108 (E) spores/mL were sprayed evenly on Chinese cabbage leaves at the same growth level at 28°C and 60% humidity. The buffer solution used for the dilution of the spores of B. bassiana was set as a blank control. The leaf samples were analyzed for B. bassiana DNA concentrations by real-time PCR after 24 hours of spraying, three to four pieces of cabbage leaf were randomly collected once every two days. For real-time PCR, three technical replicates were used to represent a specific sample.

2.9. Detection of Different Number Spores of B. bassiana DNA in P. rapae

The B. bassiana with 1.0 × 102 (A), 1.0 × 104 (B), 1.0 × 106 (C), 1.0 × 107 (D), and 1.0 × 108 (E) spores/mL were used to spray uniformly on the cabbage leaves. After spraying 12 hours, cabbage leaves were fed to 40 heads of P. rapae selected at normal active fourth stage larvae, the P. rapae larvae were cultured in a net cage at 28°C and 90% humidity. The buffer solution used for the dilution of the spores of B. bassiana was set as a blank control. After feeding for 24 hours, one P. rapae were randomly collected to check for the B. bassiana DNA concentrations by real-time PCR. The selected P. rapae was rinsed with water to avoid the presence of B. bassiana outside the body, which will affect the experimental results. For real-time PCR, three technical replicates were used to represent a specific sample.

In this study, all the experiments were repeated twice to ensure the repeatability of the results.

3. Data Analysis

Data obtained from three independent experiments were combined and analyzed by using one-way ANOVA program in Excel (Microsoft® Office Excel 2003, USA) and the SPSS 13.0 statistical software package (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Post hoc multiple comparisons were conducted at the 5% level of probability using Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT).

4. Results

4.1. Determination of Optimal PCR Primers and Standard Curve of Real-Time PCR

Gradient PCR was first used to determine the optimal annealing temperature for individual primer sets listed in supplementary Table 1. The recombinant plasmid DNA was diluted based on the copy number of plasmid DNA estimated using the following equation: copy numbers/μL = (6.0 × 1014 copies × plasmid concentration (g)/μL)/(number of bases × 660 Dalton/base). The efficiency of each primer set was determined through PCR reactions and the resulting PCR products were visualized in agarose gels through electrophoresis. Results of the assay showed that, when the annealing temperature was set at 54°C, four of the six primer sets gave strong and correct sized PCR product bands. At 52°C, three primer sets gave positive PCR products of different size, and at 56°C, only two primer sets gave positive PCR products (Supplementary Figure 1). Consequently, the 4th primer set (e.g., 98F 5′GGC​ATC​GAT​GAA​GAA​CGC​AG3′ and 333R 5′GTA​TTA​CTG​CGC​AGA​GGT​CG3′) was used for the following real-time PCR assays. Through PCR amplification assays, a standard curve of PCR was determined as Y = −3.26X + 11.25, R2 = 0.99965, and the PCR amplification efficiency = 1.03 (Supplementary Figure 2). Using serially diluted plasmid DNA samples, it was observed that by the 10-fold dilution of DNA samples; the Ct values increased by 3-4. The concentration of standard plasmid DNA was found to be closely correlated with the Ct values, leading to single melting curves (Supplementary Figure 3).

4.2. Stability of B. bassiana in Water at 28°C

Dried B. bassiana powder was diluted in water and incubated at 28°C for several days followed by DNA isolation. Stability of B. bassiana DNA in water was determined as the concentrations of B. bassiana DNA in water over time by real-time PCR. The result of the assay showed that the amount of B. bassiana DNA in assayed samples stored for 1 and 3 days was similar (5.646 × 106 and 5.622 × 106 copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL, respectively) (Figure 1). The amount of B. bassiana DNA decreased quickly to 3.762 × 106 copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL on the 7th day of postinoculation period followed by an increase up to 6.619 × 106 copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL on the 13th day of postinoculation period. B. bassiana DNA decreased again at the 17th dpi and maintained at a similar level till 29th dpi. In this study, no B. bassiana DNA was detected in the negative control sample.

4.3. Stability of B. bassiana DNA in Soil at 28°C

Stability of B. bassiana DNA in soil was also determined by real-time PCR. Results shown in Figure 2 demonstrated that B. bassiana DNA concentration declined quickly from the 1st dpi (5.253 × 106 copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL) to the 9th dpi (4.530 × 105 copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL). As shown in Figure 2, B. bassiana DNA concentration rebound at the 11th dpi and continued to increase till 17th dpi (4.776 × 106 copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL). After this increase, B. bassiana DNA concentration remained relatively stable till 29th dpi, suggesting a reestablishment of B. bassiana population in soil samples. This experiment was repeated twice.

4.4. Stability of B. bassiana DNA on Cotton Leaves at 28°C

Dried B. bassiana powder was diluted in water and sprayed onto the surface of cotton leaves. After incubation at 28°C for several days, the leaf samples were analyzed for B. bassiana DNA concentrations by real-time PCR. The results shown in Figure 3 indicated that the concentration of B. bassiana DNA was at 3.202 × 105 copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL at the 1st dpi and then declined to 2.777 × 104 copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL at the 9th dpi. The concentration of B. bassiana DNA rebound at the 11th dpi and reached 2.975 × 105 copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL at the 17th dpi. The B. bassiana DNA concentration decreased slightly again and reached 2.126 × 105 copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL at the 21st dpi, and then remained stabilized. This experiment was repeated twice. B. bassiana DNA was not detected in the negative control samples.

4.5. Stability of Different Number Spores of B. bassiana DNA on Chinese Cabbage Leaves at 28°C

To investigate the dynamics of different amounts of B. bassiana spores over time, we selected different concentrations of spores to spray on Chinese cabbage leaves and then detected the stability of B. bassiana DNA. Results shown in Figure 4 indicated that the concentration of B. bassiana DNA was at 7.976 × 107 (A), 1.100 × 108 (B), 1.308 × 108 (C), 1.391 × 108 (D), and 1.460 × 108 (E) copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL at the 1st dpi and then declined to 1.724 × 107 (A), 5.261 × 107 (B), 1.021 × 108 (E) copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL at the 9th dpi and 8.292 × 107 (C), 9.076 × 107 (D) copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL at the 7th dpi. The concentration of B. bassiana DNA rebound at the 11th dpi and reached 5.381 × 107 (A), 1.156 × 108 (B), 1.474 × 108 (C), 1.553 × 108 (D), and 1.615 × 108 (E) copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL at the 21st dpi and then remained stabilized. Although the concentration of B. bassiana was different, the stability of B. bassiana DNA on Chinese cabbage leaves surface showed roughly the same trend, which showed a decreasing trend from the 1st dpi to the 9th dpi (except (A), (B), and (E)), all concentrations showed an increasing trend from the 11th dpi to the 19th dpi and then remained stabilized at 21th dpi to the 29th dpi. This experiment was repeated twice. B. bassiana DNA was not detected in the negative control samples.

4.6. Stability of Different Number Spores of B. bassiana DNA in P. rapae at 28°C

After the different number of spores of B. bassiana spraying on cabbage leaves at 12 hours, the treated leaves were fed to P. rapae. Then, the assayed P. rapae were analyzed for B. bassiana DNA concentrations by real-time PCR. Results shown in Figure 5 indicated that the stability of B. bassiana DNA were 1.633 × 108 (A), 2.854 × 104 (B) copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL at the 7th dpi; 4.574 × 108 (C), 5.276 × 108 (D), and 6.063 × 108 (E) copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL at the 9th dpi. The concentration of B. bassiana DNA rebound at the 11th dpi and, respectively, reached 2.638 × 108 (A), 6.953 × 108 (B), 8.839 × 108 (C), 8.887 × 108 (D), and 9.263 × 108 (E) copies of B. bassiana DNA/μL at the 21st dpi. The mortality rate of P. rapae treated with different spores at 21st, respectively, reached 15% (A), 50% (B), 65% (C), 90% (D), and 95% (E), the concentration of 1.0 × 106 (C) spores/mL reached 65% at the 19th dpi; the concentration of 1.0 × 107 (D) spores/mL reached 50% at the 13th dpi and reached 90% at the 21st dpi; the concentration of 1.0 × 108 (E) spores/mL reached 50% at the 14th dpi, and reached 90% at the 19st dpi. This experiment was repeated twice. B. bassiana DNA was not detected in the negative control samples.

5. Conclusion and Discussion

In this study, we identified a pair of PCR primers specific for the B. bassiana 16s rDNA and established a sensitive and reliable PCR and a real-time PCR method for the detection of B. bassiana in various substrates. The sensitivity of the detection technology was 4.337 × 104 copies of plasmid/μL. Using this method, we can now reliably monitor B. bassiana population dynamics in B. bassiana preinoculated soil or cotton leaves samples. Our results indicated that during the 1st to the 9th dpi, B. bassiana DNA concentration declined in all substrates. According to our understanding, this decline was caused by the massive death of initially inoculated B. bassiana. The DNA concentration started to increase sharply after the 9th till 11th dpi. It is possible that this increase represents a rapid regrowth of B. bassiana, survived from the treatments. From the 11th to the 29th dpi, B. bassiana DNA concentrations remained high in all three substrates, suggesting that the B. bassiana population had reached the maximum level under the assayed conditions. In this study, B. bassiana DNA was not detected in any negative control samples and thus, the identified PCR primers produced the B. bassiana DNA specific bands when electrophoretically analyzed.

Different number spores of B. bassiana applied on Chinese cabbage result shown that the stability of B. bassiana DNA are consistent when plants treated with 1.0 × 106, 1.0 × 107, and 1.0 × 108 spores/mL. But the mortality rate of P. rapae treated with different spores at 21st, respectively, reached 15%, 50%, 65%, 90%, and 95%, the concentration of 1.0 × 106 spores/mL reached 65% at the 19th dpi; the concentration of 1.0 × 107 spores/mL reached 50% at the 13th dpi and reached 90% at the 21st dpi; the concentration of 1.0 × 108 spores/mL reached 50% at the 14th dpi, and reached 90% at the 19st dpi. With the increase in the initial spores of B. bassiana, the mortality of P. rapae gradually increased. At low spores (1.0 × 102 spores/mL and 1.0 × 104 spores/mL), the death rate was approximately 15–50%. At high spores (1.0 × 106, 1.0 × 107, and 1.0 × 108 spores/mL), the death rate was 65–95%. The results indicated the effect of killing insects was obviously increased with increasing the concentration of B. bassiana, whereas considering the cost-effectiveness, the 1.0 × 107 spores/mL of B. bassiana was the most suitable.

Since the invention of real-time PCR, this technology has been widely applied to molecular biology studies [28]. Currently, PCR, and real-time PCR are the most popular technologies for plant pathogen diagnosis [29, 30] and host gene expression analysis. The potential of this technology for the assays on the stability of the inoculated biocontrol agents remained largely unknown. The main reason for this is mainly due to the lack of specific PCR primers. Current studies on B. bassiana field applications focused mainly on the development of antibiotic-resistant strains [3133]. The development of antibiotic-resistant B. bassiana is, however, time-consuming and the resulting resistance strain(s) might become attenuated after a few generations. In contrast, understanding the environmental impacts on B. bassiana stability and recolonization behavior in the field can facilitate the design and establishment of more effective insect pest management strategies and thus achieving a better control effect. This PCR detection technology may also be modified for other biocontrol agents. In summary, this study has established a fast, low-cost, and reliable method for the determination of B. bassiana stability and recolonization in various substrates under the controlled conditions.


B. bassiana:Beauveria bassiana
dpi:Day of post inoculation
P. rapae:Pieris rapae
PCR:Polymerase chain reaction.

Data Availability

The data that support the findings of this study are openly available at https://figshare.com/s/b65294b7548715e34c85.


Zepei Gu, Lijie Chen, and Weixing Zhang are the co-first authors.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.

Authors’ Contributions

ZG, LC, PS, YL, XL, and DZ designed the experiments and analyzed the data. ZG, LC, PS, and WZ performed the experiments. WZ and QP provided some reagents/materials. ZG, LC, XL, and LY wrote the paper.


The study was supported by Key Research and Development Program of Hunan Province (Grant no. 2022NK2014), Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Fund Project of Hunan Province (Grant no. 2022CX1), and Hunan Natural Science Foundation (Grant no. 2022JJ40234).

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary Figure S1: gradient PCR products separated in an agarose gel after electrophoresis. Supplementary Figure S2: standard curve of qRT-PCR. Supplementary Figure S3: qRT-PCR curves determined using different concentrations of plasmid DNA. Supplementary Table 1: six sets of PCR primers used in this study. (Supplementary Materials)