Research Article

Postoperative Complication and Reoperation Rates Following Resection of Soft Tissue vs. Bone Malignancies Based on Anatomic Location in the Inpatient Setting

Table 4

Odds of complications, readmissions, and reoperations following resection of malignant neoplasms from the upper limb.

Resection of malignant neoplasm, upper limb
OR95% CI value

Readmission rate, 30 day0.7220.410–1.290.263
Reoperation rate, 30 day3.070.672–18.00.172
Readmission rate, 90 day0.5930.357–0.9920.045
Reoperation rate, 90 day1.740.529–6.480.378

OR >1 indicates higher odds in the soft/connective tissue group. NEO = not enough observations.