Research Article

Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, and Etoposide (ICE) in Combination with Regional Hyperthermia as Salvage Therapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Nonmetastatic and Metastatic Soft-Tissue Sarcoma

Table 5

Prognostic factors for overall survival for LA-STS patients. values were calculated using the log-rank test for univariate analysis. For multivariate analysis using a Cox model, only parameters with a in univariate analyses were considered.

ParameterNUnivariate analysisCox model
Median OS, mo. (95% CI)HR (95% CI)

 >50 years3826 (18–40)
 ≤50 years1623 (10–41)

 Male3128 (13–41)
 Female2323 (18–93)

Treatment line0.31
 2nd line4626 (18–37)
 >2nd line820 (10-NA)

 33223 (16–31)
 22231 (28-NA)

Histologic subentity0.23
 Lipo-/leiomyosarcoma2829 (13–93)
 Non-lipo-/leiomyosarcoma2623 (18–37)

Surgery0.0140.52 (0.25–1.10)0.088
 Yes3118 (8–31)
 No2328 (23–93)

Response/disease stabilization as the best radiographic response with ICE + RHT0.0390.42 (0.18–0.96)0.041
 Yes2627 (23–41)
 No99 (6–NA)

Type of progression<0.0010.69 (0.33–1.45)0.332
 Progression after response to prior chemotherapy3231 (23–94)
 Primary refractory disease2213 (9–31)

HR, hazard ratio; mo., months; NA, not assessable; OS, overall survival.