Research Article

Clinical Presentation, Natural History, and Therapeutic Approach in Patients with Solitary Fibrous Tumor: A Retrospective Analysis

Table 2

Treatment outcome, recurrence status, and adjuvant- and systemic therapy.

n (%)

Primary resection86 (91.5)
 R039 (45.5)
 R16 (7)
 Rx41 (39.1)
 Local recurrence23 (26.7)
 Metachronous metastasis26 (30.2)
 No recurrence37 (43.0)
Adjuvant radiotherapy14 (16.3)
 Local recurrence1 (7.1)
 Metastatic recurrence5 (35.7)
Adjuvant systemic therapy0 (0)

Systemic therapy28 (29.8)
 Neoadjuvant2 (2.1)
 Palliative24 (25.5)
 Neoadjuvant and palliative2 (2.1)

Treatments applied in 94 patients with SFT. R0: complete resection. R1: microscopic residual disease. Rx: unknown resection status.