Research Article

Ewing’s Sarcoma as a Second Malignancy in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Hematologic Malignancies

Figure 2

(a) Coronary T1 MRI section demonstrating a 4 cm mass (arrow) within the right temporal lobe with middle line shift in patient 2. (b) Biopsy of the intracerebral temporal tumor of patient 2 shows solid small, blue round undifferentiated proliferation with a strong immunohistochemical membranous expression of CD99 (brown reaction product shown in the inset) (H&E; original magnification 200x). (c) Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of the brain tumor of patient 2, demonstrating the rearrangement of the EWSR1 gene. The nuclei of the tumor cells contain one fused signal (arrow head) and one pair of split green and red signals (arrows).