Research Article

Long-Term Effects of Obstetric Fistula on the Overall Quality of Life among Survivors Who Had Undergone Obstetric Fistula Repair, Central Gondar Zone, Northwest Ethiopia, 2020: A Community-Based Study

Table 4

Bivariable and multivariable analysis of factors associated with overall quality of life among fistula survivors (), central Gondar districts, Northwest Ethiopia, June 2020.

VariablePoor overall quality of lifeCOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI) value

 21-3020391.54 (1.2, 5.4)1.2 (0.2, 6.3)0.60
 >3080317.74 (1.6, 18.3)3.8 (2.6, 12.3)<0.001
Marital status
 Single28151.2 (0.1, 4.1)0.13 (0.1, 2.1)
 Divorced89311.9 (1.4, 11.3)2.7 (1.3, 8.5)<0.001
Urinary incontinence
 With cough/strain14210.23 (0.2, 8.2)
 While walking680.26 (0.1, 10.1)
 While walking, sitting, and lying20191.9 (2.5, 9.2)1.9 (2.4, 11.2)<0.05

Key: , in crude analysis, in adjusted analysis.