Research Article

A Pulmonary Rehabilitation Decisional Score to Define Priority Access for COPD Patients

Table 2

Demographic, anthropometric, and functional characteristics of study patients.


Patients, 124413746
Age, years0.031
Males, ns
BMI, Kg/m20.0120
Smokers, ns
Ex-smokers, ns
SatO2, %<0.0001
FEV1, % pred.0.0002
FVC, % pred.<0.0001
CAT, score<0.0001
6MWT, meters<0.0001

LP = low priority; HP = high priority; VHP = very high priority. BMI = body mass index; SatO2 = pulsed arterial saturation; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume at first second; FVC = forced vital capacity; CAT = COPD Assessment Tool; 6MWT = 6-min walking test. ⁢, , and versus LP; , , and versus VHP.