Research Article

The Oxidative Stress-Induced miR-200c Is Upregulated in Psoriasis and Correlates with Disease Severity and Determinants of Cardiovascular Risk

Table 1

Baseline clinical and laboratory parameters.

CharacteristicControl healthy subject ()Psoriatic subject ()Comparison between two groups ( value)

Male sex, (%)19 (56)15 (52)0.42
Age (years)0.95
BMI (kg/m2)0.33
Waist circumference (cm)0.85
Blood glucose (mg/dl)0.68
Total cholesterol (mgl/dl)0.04
LDL-cholesterol (mgl/dl)0.53
HDL-cholesterol (mgl/dl)0.66
Triacylglycerols (mgl/dl)0.58
HsCRP (mg/l)0.10
ESR (mm/h)0.06
BSA (m2)0.54
Diabetes mellitus, (%)001
Ever smoking, (%)13 (45)10 (35)0.59

Values are (, between groups). Comparisons between two groups were carried out by performing the unpaired Student -test for all variables with the exception of the variable “male sex,” “diabetes,” and ever smoking for which Fisher’s exact test was performed. BMI: body mass index; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; hs-CRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; BSA: body surface area.