Research Article

The Endothelin Receptor Antagonist Macitentan Improves Isosorbide-5-Mononitrate (ISMN) and Isosorbide Dinitrate (ISDN) Induced Endothelial Dysfunction, Oxidative Stress, and Vascular Inflammation

Figure 6

Characterization of vascular protein expression within the inflammatory and ET receptor signaling pathways and protective effects of macitentan cotherapy in ISMN-treated mice. The vascular protein expression of NOX-2 (a) and ETB receptor (b) was determined by western blot analysis. Representative blots are shown besides the densitometric quantification (c). The vascular protein expression of F4/80 was determined by dot blot analysis (d). Representative dot blots are shown besides the densitometric quantification. Immunohistochemical staining for ET-1 in aortic paraffin sections (e). Arrows indicate ET-1-specific brown color. Representative images for 4 independent experiments. The data are mean ± SEM from 5-6 (a), 5-6 (b), and 4-7 (c) mice per group. vs. control; vs. ISMN group.