Research Article

Lycopene: Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects toward Bisphenol A-Induced Toxicity in Female Wistar Rats

Table 1

Effect of LYC on body and liver weights of BPA-intoxicated female Wistar rats.

ParameterExperimental groups

F.B.wt (g)164.80 ± 4.58ab171.40 ± 9.60a142.40 ± 3.53b149.30 ± 11.81ab
B.wt.G (g)54.20 ± 4.51b70.40 ± 4.23a34.40 ± 4.72c53.90 ± 3.29b
Abs. liver wt. (g)5.97 ± 0.436.56 ± 0.525.39 ± 0.195.40 ± 0.49
Rel. liver wt. (%)3.61 ± 0.183.81 ± 0.103.79 ± 0.093.62 ± 0.16

Values are expressed as means ± SE () in every group. BPA: bisphenol A; LYC: lycopene; F.B.wt: final body weight; B.wt.G: body weight gain; Abs. liver wt.: absolute liver weight; Rel. liver wt.: relative liver weight. Within the same row, means with different superscript letters differ significantly at .