Research Article

Incidence of Adverse Perinatal Outcomes among Women Exposed to Maternal Near-Misses in Arsi Zone in Ethiopia: Prospective Cohort Study in 2022

Table 3

Logistic regression analysis model depicting the likelihoods of poor pregnancy outcomes among exposed women at Arsi Zone public hospitals in Ethiopia, 2022.

VariablesCategoriesAdverse perinatal outcomes value
95% CI (COR)95% CI (AOR)

Maternal near-missYes6.8 (4.0–11.5)2.25 (1.10–4.62)0.028
Number of ANC contacts made<43.96 (2.24–7.01)1.6 (0.77–3.40)0.210
Delay in seeking careYes4.6 (2.66–7.85)2.9 (1.38–6.20)0.005
Delay in arrival at hospital<1 hr11
>1 hr3.32 (2.0-5.43)0.9 (0.42–1.84)0.740
Delay in receiving treatment<30 minutes11
>30 minutes6.9 (2.4–20.0)6.4 (1.50–27.54)0.012
Mode of transport usedAmbulance11
Others3.9 (2.4–6.6)2.6 (1.21–5.50)0.015
Mode of deliverySVD5 (2.9–8.8)3.5 (1.76–7.04)<0.001
Duration of hospital stay in days<5 days11
>5 days5.3 (2.6–10.8)0.42 (0.16–1.12)0.082

Personal vehicles, public transport, Bajaj, and cart. aAssisted vaginal delivery, caesarean section, and vacuum extraction. Bold: value < 0.05.