Research Article

Childbirth Self-Efficacy and Its Associated Factors among Pregnant Women in Arba Minch Town, Southern Ethiopia, 2023: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Multivariable logistic regression analysis of childbirth self-efficacy among pregnant women in Arba Minch town, Southern Ethiopia, 2023 ().

VariablesChildbirth self-efficacyCOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI) value

GravidityMultigravida125 (54.8%)124 (66%)1
Primigravida103 (45.2%)64 (34.0%)1.59 (1.07-2.37)1.51 (1.10-2.86)0.01

Planned pregnancyYes121 (53.1%)125 (66.5%)1
No107 (46.9%)63 (33.5%)1.75 (1.17-2.60)1.67 (1.02-2.73)0.03

Knowledge of childbirthGood109 (47.8%)126 (67%)1
Poor119 (52.2%)62 (33%)2.22 (1.48-3.31)2.21 (2.09-5.39)0.001

Fear of childbirthLow degree10 (4.4%)23 (12.2%)1
Moderate113 (49.6%)116 (61.7%)2.24 (1.02-4.92)2.25 (1.10-6.58)0.030
High59 (25.9%)33 (17.6%)4.1 (1.74-9.67)3.97 (1.52-10.3)0.005
Sever46 (20.2%)16 (8.5%)6.6 (2.59-10.84)6.4 (2.66-9.80)0.001

Social supportStrong61 (26.8%)68 (36.2%)1
Moderate119 (52.2%)95 (50.5%)1.57 (1.01-2.44)1.22 (0.73-2.01)0.440
Poor48 (21.1%)25 (13.3%)2.60 (1.42-4.77)2.17 (1.09-4.29)0.026

Age of women≥3517 (7.5%)28 (14.9%)1
25-34148 (64.9%)133 (70.7%)1.80 (0.96-3.49)1.62 (0.78-3.35)0.19
≤2463 (27.6%)27 (14.4%)3.84 (1.81-8.15)3.8 (1.82-10.0)0.001

AnxietyNo anxiety163 (71.5%)160 (85.1%)11
Having anxiety65 (28.5%)28 (14.9%)1.32 (0.85-2.05)1.30 (1.10-3.64)0.021

Key: 1 = reference. Variable with values < 0.05.