Research Article

Determinants of Malaria Prevention and Treatment Seeking Behaviours of Pregnant Undergraduates Resident in University Hostels, South-East Nigeria

Table 2

Cross-tabulation of gravidity and gestational age with incidence of malaria in present pregnancy.

GravidityGestational age
<6 months 6–8 months >8 months Total
Had malariaHad malariaHad malariaHad malaria

Primigravida (89)22 (100%)3420 (58.8%)5344 (83.0%)8966 (74.2%
Secundigravida (26)73 (42.9%)77 (100%)123 (25.0%)2613 (50.0%)
Gravida ≥ 3 (6)31 (33.3%)10 (0.0%)21 (50.0%)62 (33.3%)

Total126 (5.0%)4228 (21.1%)6747 (38.8%)12181 (66.9%)