Research Article

The Relationship between Muscle Ultrasound Parameters and Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Relationship between muscle ultrasound parameters and DPN.

Non-DPNDPN value

Rectus femoris
 EI (UA, )0.035
 CSA (cm2, )0.094
 MT (cm, )0.049
 Corrected EIa (UA, )0.286
Tibialis anterior
 EI (UA, )0.007
 CSAa (cm2, )0.117
 MT (cm, )0.105
 Corrected EIa (UA, )0.023
Medial head of gastrocnemius
 EI (UA, )0.001
 CSA (cm2, )0.094
 MTa (cm, )0.029
 Corrected EI (UA, )0.006

and . aMann–Whitney test. Other quantitative variates were analyzed by Student’s -test. Abbreviations: EI: echo intensity; CSA: cross-sectional area; MT: muscle thickness.