Research Article

β-Aminoisobutyric Acid Relates to Favorable Glucose Metabolism through Adiponectin in Adults with Obesity Independent of Prediabetes

Table 2

Fuel use among NGT and PD.

NGTPD value

Energy expenditure
 REE (kcal/day)0.92
 REE (kcal/kg/day)0.58
Fuel use
 CHOox (mg/kg/min)0.79
 Fox (mg/kg/min)0.35
 RER (a.u.)0.29

Data are presented as . NGT = normal glucose tolerant; PD = prediabetes; REE = resting energy expenditure; CHOox = carbohydrate oxidation; Fox = fat oxidation; RER = respiratory exchange ratio. Unpaired two-tailed -test was utilized to determine group differences. Significance accepted at .