Research Article

Large Gliadin Peptides Detected in the Pancreas of NOD and Healthy Mice following Oral Administration

Table 1

33-mer fragments in mouse plasma and pancreas 45–60 min after oral administration, as determined by MALDI-TOF MS.


1Plasma, NOD
2Plasma, C57BL/6
3Plasma, NOD
4Plasma, NOD pancreas, C57BL/6
5-1Pancreas, C57BL/6
6-1Pancreas C57BL/6
6-2Plasma, NOD
7Plasma, NOD
8Plasma, NOD pancreas, NOD
9Plasma, NOD, C57BL/6
10Plasma, NOD
11Plasma, NOD, C57BL/6
12Pancreas, NOD, C57BL/6
13Plasma, NOD
14Plasma, NOD plasma, NOD
15-1Plasma, NOD, C57BL/6
16-1Plasma, NOD, C57BL/6
17Plasma, C57BL/6

Mice (6–20 weeks) were given 500–900 μg of 33-mer p.o. and blood and pancreas were analyzed. Samples were filtrates from 10 kDa centrifugal filters, supernatant from ethanol precipitation, an acidic ethanol extract from pancreas, peptide fractions from a PD10 desalting column, fractions from SEP-PAK C18 columns, and slices from SDS-PAGE gels (extracted without Glu-C digestion). The 33-mer fragment sequences were identified by matching the observed masses to the masses predicted for a list of arbitrary 33-mer fragments. Predictions were done using the theoretical masses and mass changes allowing 1-2 deamidations of glutamine and binding of sodium and potassium ions.