Clinical Study

Hyperreflective Intraretinal Spots in Diabetics without and with Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: An In Vivo Study Using Spectral Domain OCT

Table 2

The number of hyperreflective spots.

Hyperreflective spots/number (±SD)Control Diabetic

ILM-GCL00.5 (0.22)2.92 (1.88)6.63 (2.5)
INL-OPL0.03 (0.48)2.93 (1.73)8.03 (3.18)
ONL0.00 (0.00)1.58 (1.31)6.18 (2.89)

SD: standard deviation; No DR: diabetic patients without retinopathy; NPDR: nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy; ILM-GCL: inner limiting membrane-ganglion cell layer; INL-OPL: inner nuclear layer-outer plexiform layer; ONL: outer nuclear layer.