Research Article

Dimension Reduction Using Quantum Wavelet Transform on a High-Performance Reconfigurable Computer

Table 3

Comparison of the proposed work against previous works of FPGA emulation.

Reported workAlgorithmNumber of qubitsPrecisionFrequency (MHz)Emulation time (sec)

Fujishima [48]Shor’s factoring8010

Khalid et al. [49]QFT316 bit fixed pt.82.161E − 9
Grover’s search316 bit fixed pt.82.184E − 9

Aminian et al. [50]QFT316 bit fixed pt131.346E − 9

Lee et al. [51]QFT524 bit fixed pt.90219E − 9
Grover’s search724 bit fixed pt.8596.8E − 9

Silva et al. [52]QFT432 bit floating pt.4E − 6

Pilch et al. [53]Deutsch2

Mahmud et al. [22]QFT532 bit floating pt.2334.63E − 4
Grover’s search532 bit floating pt.2334.38E − 7

Proposed workQFT2032 bit floating pt.23318.4
QHT2032 bit floating pt.2330.477
Grover’s search2232 bit floating pt.2337.5E04

Results obtained at a later time to publication.