Research Article

Vegetable Contamination by the Fecal Bacteria of Poultry Manure: Case Study of Gardening Sites in Southern Benin

Table 1

Fertilization modalities at each growing period: application of poultry manure and mineral fertilizers on the three tested vegetable crops (eggplant, tomato, and carrot). Amendment was applied one week before sowing; top-dressing was applied twice: 2 weeks and 4 weeks after sowing (coastal area of Benin, 2009-2010, 288 plots).

Fertilization modalitiesAmendment (t⋅ha−1)Total top-dressing (t⋅ha−1)Total per growing period (t⋅ha−1)

T0, control000
T1, farmer practice 1
T2, farmer practice 2
 Poultry manure101020
T3, poultry manure only251540