Research Article

Light and Shadow of Na-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus: Points for Improvement Based on Our Clinical Experience

Figure 5

(a) Comparison of eGFR levels over two years from the start of treatment (two-way repeated ANOVA). We performed a two-way repeated analysis of variance for 236 patients subdividing into the hyperfiltration and nonhyperfiltration groups with eGFR. The eGFR in the hyperfiltration group decreased significantly during the first six months of treatment () and then slowly declined during the follow-up period. In the nonhyperfiltration group, eGFR also decreased significantly () during the first six months of treatment and then slowly reduced during the follow-up period. There was a significant difference between the two groups (), and there was an interaction in the pattern of variation (). (b) Changes in eGFR between hyperfiltration group and nonhyperfiltration group. Figure 5(b) shows the mean eGFR in the line graphs over the two-year follow-up period in the hyperfiltration group and the nonhyperfiltration group. The hyperfiltration group showed a rapid decrease in eGFR of −23.0 mL/min/year/1.73 m2 in terms of the annual rate of decline from the start of treatment to six months after the start of treatment and the annual rate of decrease from then to two years after the start of therapy was −4.4 mL/min/year/1.73 m2. The rate of decline was slightly slower but still fast. The nonhyperfiltration group also showed a rapid decrease (−6.0) until six months after the start of treatment and then a slow decline (−1.6).