Research Article

Quantifying Dynamic Flow of Emergency Department (ED) Patient Managements: A Multistate Model Approach

Table 1

Descriptive results of the patients included the study, presented as count (%) unless stated otherwise (n = 147,897).


Age group

Male sex80,260(54.3)
Patient entity
 Adult nontrauma87,494(59.2)
 Pediatric nontrauma34,336(23.2)

Triage level
 Level 18,253(5.58)
 Level 222,483(15.2)
 Level 388,546(59.9)
 Level 426,138(17.7)
 Level 52,477(1.67)

Final disposition
 Discharged by physician101,972(69.0)
 Left unnoticed509(0.34)
 Against medical advice discharge3,702(2.50)
 Left without being seen19(0.01)
 Admission to intensive care unit (ICU)4,680(3.16)
 Admission to ward36,121(24.4)
 Transferred to another hospital894(0.60)

Time variables (hr)$
 Total length of stay (n = 147,897)2.12(6.51)
 Triage to physician (n = 147,878)0.16(0.15)
 Physician to observation room (n = 38,123)1.50(1.17)
 Triage (directly) to departure (n = 19)1.86(2.82)
 Physician (directly) to discharge (n = 91,833)1.01(1.38)
 Observation room to discharge (n = 14,350)11.1(33.0)
 Physician (directly) to admission (n = 17,922)4.33(6.04)
 Observation room to admission (n = 23,773)25.9(46.9)

Presented as mean (standard deviation). $Presented as median (interquartile range).