Research Article

Pantoprazole-Induced Bone Loss through Gastrin Secretion: A Stereological Study

Figure 4

Optical photomicrograph of the changes in the trabecular bone tissue in the femoral head in the experimental groups (hematoxylin and eosin staining at ×100 magnification). (a) Healthy control rats with normal histoarchitecture in the trabecular bone. (b) Oct (octreotide) group: there were no pathological lesions in this group. (c) Pan (pantoprazole) group: severely thinned trabeculae. The results revealed a significant decrease in the trabecular volume in this group. (d) Pan+Oct (pantoprazole plus octreotide) group: there were no significant differences in the trabecular volume in this group compared to the control group. The arrows indicate trabecular thickness.