Research Article

Clinical Pharmacist Intervention on Drug-Related Problems among Elderly Patients Admitted to Medical Wards of Northwest Ethiopia Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals: A Multicenter Prospective, Observational Study

Table 4

Drugs which were involved for actual ADR on elderly patients admitted to medical ward of UoGCSH, DTCSH, FHCSH, TGCSH, and DMCSH, Northwest, Ethiopia, 2021.

Drug involvedTypes of ADRFrequencyPercentage

Azithromycin (6¶), morphine (4‡), and ceftriaxone (3¶)Diarrhea/constipation1315.85
Prednisolone (2¶, 2 ψ), ferrous sulfate (6‡), hemi-up (1 ψ), and warfarin (2 ψ)Epigastric pain1315.85
Pyrazinamide (2 ψ, 2¶), phenytoin (3†), and propylthiouracil (2¶)Skin rash913.41
Warfarin (2 ψ), heparin (2, 3 ψ), and aspirin (1 ψ)Bleeding810.98
Captopril (2 ψ), furosemide (1¶), vancomycin (1¶), and nifedipine (2, 1 ψ)Hypotension74.88
Adrenaline 1 Ω, 2¶,3 ψHeadache67.32
Insulin 3, 2 ψHypoglycemia56.10
Furosemide 3 ψ,2¶Hypokalemia518.29
Enalapril 4 ψAcute kidney injury44.8
Hydrochlorothiazide (2¶) and cimetidine (1¶)Confusion33.66
Dexamethasone 1,Hyperglycemia3
Isoniazid 2¶Weakness22.44
Diazepam (1¶) and morphine (1 ψ)Depression22.44
Spironolactone 2¶Hyperkalemia22.44

Note: Ω = doubtful ¶ = possible, ψ = probable  = definite.