Research Article

Retrospective Analysis of Infection Factors in Secondary Internal Fixation after External Fixation for Open Fracture of a Long Bone: A Cohort of 117 Patients in a Two-Center Clinical Study

Table 1

Univariate predictors for SSI of preoperative variables.

VariableSSI ()No SSI ()Infection rates (%) value

Age (years)
 ≤50 years14 (82.4%)87 (77.0%)14/101 (13.9%)0.762
 >50 years3 (17.6%)26 (23.0%)3/29 (10.3%)
Gender, number (%)
 Male15 (88.2%)85 (75.2%)15/100 (15%)0.357
 Female2 (11.8%)28 (24.8%)2/30 (6.7%)
Injured area
 Humerus05 (4.4%)00.416
 Ulna and radius1 (5.9%)15 (13.3%)1/16 (6.3%)
 Femoral4 (23.5%)24 (21.2%)4/28 (14.3%)
 Tibia and fibula12 (70.6%)69 (61.1%)12/81 (14.8%)
Multiple trauma
 +15 (88.2%)78 (69.0%)15/93 (16.1%)0.149
 -2 (11.8%)35 (31.0%)2/37 (5.4%)
Type of open fracture (Gustilo classification)
 I or II2 (11.8%)46 (40.7%)2/48 (4.2%)0.001a
 IIIA3 (17.7%)36 (31.9%)3/39 (7.7%)
 IIIB6 (35.3%)23 (20.4%)6/29 (20.7%)
 IIIC6 (35.3%)8 (7.1%)6/14 (42.8%)
AO type
 A3 (17.6%)39 (34.5%)3/42 (7.1%)0.416
 B6 (35.3%)32 (28.3%)6/38 (15.8%)
 C8 (47.1%)42 (37.2%)8/50 (16.0%)
Degree of soft tissue damage
 Mild10 (58.8%)69 (61.1%)10/79 (12.7%)0.176
 Moderate1 (5.9%)23 (20.3%)1/24 (4.2%)
 Severe6 (35.3%)21 (18.6%)6/27 (22.2%)
Debridement time
 ≤6 h5 (29.4%)26 (23.0%)5/31 (16.1%)0.296
 >6 h12 (70.6%)87 (77.0%)12/99 (12.1%)
Duration of external fixation
 ≤14 d4 (23.5%)58 (51.3%)4/62 (6.5%)0.031a
 14-28 d2 (11.8%)19 (16.8%)2/21 (9.5%)
 ≥28 d11 (64.7%)36 (31.9%)11/47 (23.4%)
Pin-site infection
 +4 (23.5%)8 (7.1%)4/12 (33.3%)0.052
 -13 (76.5%)105 (92.9%)13/118 (11.0%)
WBC (/L)
/L10 (58.8%)94 (83.2%)10/104 (9.6%)0.044a
/L7 (41.2%)19 (16.8%)7/26 (26.9%)
/L15 (88.2%)92 (81.4%)15/107 (14.0%)0.736
/L2 (11.8%)21 (18.6%)2/23 (8.7%)
CRP (0-6 mg/L)
 ≤6 mg/L3 (17.6%)41 (36.3%)3/44 (6.8%)0.012a
 >6 mg/L14 (82.4%)72 (63.7%)14/86 (16.3%)
ESR (male 0-15 mm/h, female 0-20 mm/h)
 ≤15/20 mm/h2 (11.8%)41 (36.3%)2/43 (4.7%)0.031a
 >15/20 mm/h15 (88.2%)72 (63.7%)15/87 (17.2%)
Fasting plasma glucose (3.9-6.1 mmol/L)
 3.9-6.1 mmol/L15 (88.2%)94 (83.2%)15/109 (13.8%)0.862
 >6.1 mmol/L2 (11.8%)19 (16.8%)2/21 (9.5%)
ALB (35-55 g/L)
 <35 g/L9 (52.9%)27 (23.9%)9/36 (25.0%)0.019a
 35-55 g/L8 (47.1%)86 (76.1%)8/94 (8.5%)

a denotes significance.