Research Article

Computer Image Analysis Reveals C-Myc as a Potential Biomarker for Discriminating between Keratoacanthoma and Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Table 3

Comparisons of the diagnostic value of Ki-67 and C-Myc in KA patients.

Sensitivity (%)Specificity (%)

C-Myc expression pattern 178.6066.70
Tandem diagnosis14.3096.70
Parallel diagnosis88.0066.70

Note. Diagnosis 1: a positive Ki-67 fraction of ≤20% is suggestive of KA. Diagnosis 2: a positive C-Myc expression pattern in the nuclei of cells located in the initial portion of tumor infiltration is suggestive of KA. Tandem diagnosis: simultaneous combination of Diagnosis 1 and Diagnosis 2 was required for the diagnosis of KA (). Parallel diagnosis: either Diagnosis 1 or Diagnosis 2 was required for the diagnosis of KA ().