Research Article

INSM1 Expression in Mesenchymal Tumors and Its Clinicopathological Significance

Figure 5

Representative HE and IHC staining of INSM1 in PBL, AITL, BL, and FL. (a, b) Plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL): the nucleus is large and deviated from the cell center, the cytoplasm is eosinophilic or basophilic, perinuclear clarity, and mitotic pattern is common, INSM1+ (400x); (c, d) vascular immunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL): microscopically, there are dense medium-sized nuclei with abundant and bright cytoplasm around the nuclei and small blood vessels between the tumors, INSM1+ (400x); (e, f) Burkitt’s lymphoma: diffuse growth of homogeneous neoplastic cells with a small number of histiocytes with phagocytic debris, INSM1 (200x); (g, h) follicular lymphoma (FL): here are small to moderate tumor cells with irregular nuclei and no distinct nucleoli, INSM1+ (400x).