Research Article

Single-Cell Transcriptomics-Based Study of Transcriptional Regulatory Features in the Mouse Brain Vasculature

Figure 1

RNA-seq data revealed cell heterogeneity in the brain vasculature. (a) Quality control of 10 copies of cells from mouse brain vasculature, resulting in the inclusion of 3186 cells; (b) ANOVA analysis demonstrates the correlation of the expression of genes in mouse brain vasculature cells. Highly variable genes are indicated by red dots, and nonvariable genes are indicated by black dots. The most variable genes (Dcn, Plp1, Ptgds, Lum, Spp1, Apod, Moxd1, Acta2, Csf1r, and Mbp) are indicated in the figure; (c) analysis with PCA shows that no significant separation of brain vasculature cells occurred in mice; (d) PCA identified 10 PCs as the best differentiation; (e) a heat map showing the top 10 marker genes for each cell cluster.