Research Article

Identify the Early Predictor of Mortality in Patients with Acute Paraquat Poisoning

Table 1

Patient characteristics and clinical features of patients with acute paraquat poisoning.

Case no.Dead ()Alive ()

Sex (female)8 (53%)8 (57%)
Time from poisoning to treatment (h)
Toxic dose (mL)
Blood routine at admission
 Neutrophilic granulocyte ratio (50-70%)
 Lymphocyte ratio (20-40%)
 Leukocyte count ()
 Eosinophil count ()
 Basophil count ()
 Erythrocyte count ()
 Hemoglobin (110~165 g/L)
 Platelet count ()
 Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR)
Blood biochemistry at admission
 ALT (0~40 IU/L)
 AST (0~45 IU/L)
 TBIL (1.7~17.1 μmol/L)
 ALB (35~55 g/L)
 BUN (1.8~7.1 mmol/L)
 Crea (44~133 mmol/L)
 Ca (2.2~2.7 mmol/L)
 K (3.5~5.5 mmol/L)
 Na (135~145 mmol/L)
 CRP (0~50 mg/L)
 eGFR(MDRD) (80-120 mL/min)
 PCT (<0.1 ng/mL)