Research Article

KIR3DL1 and HLA-Bw4 Interaction Showed a Favorable Role in Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes in Chinese Southern Han

Table 1

Comparison analysis for KIR genes and KIR AA genotype between MDS patients and controls in Chinese Southern Han.

OR (95% CI)

2DL177 (100)739 (99.19)//
2DL219 (24.68)157 (21.07)1.227 (0.710-2.121)0.463
2DL376 (98.70)733 (98.39)1.244 (0.160-9.700)1.000
2DL531 (40.26)279 (37.45)1.126 (0.697-1.817)0.628
2DS127 (35.06)238 (31.95)1.150 (0.703-1.883)0.577
2DS220 (25.97)157 (21.07)1.314 (0.767-2.253)0.319
2DS319 (24.68)130 (17.45)1.550 (0.893-2.690)0.117
2DS473 (94.81)720 (96.64)0.634 (0.215-1.871)0.510
2DS517 (22.08)173 (23.22)0.937 (0.533-1.648)0.821
3DL173 (94.81)720 (96.64)0.634 (0.215-1.871)0.510
3DS126 (33.77)247 (33.15)1.028 (0.626-1.688)0.914
2DP177 (100.00)740 (99.33)//
KIR AA40 (51.95)412 (55.30)0.874 (0.546-1.398)0.573

Note: the observed frequencies for the four framework KIR genes (2DL4, 3DL2, 3DL3, and 3DP1) were all 100% in the patients and healthy controls. Thus, these framework KIR genes were not included in this table.