Research Article

Comparison of Complicated and Simple Guiding Templates in Mandibular Reconstruction Using Vascularized Iliac Crest Flap

Table 2

Comparison of the surgical outcomes in the two groups.

IndicatorsSGT (n = 13)CGT (n = 14)P value

Post-surgery Symmetry1.03 ± 0.041.01 ± 0.030.11
Length Change (mm)2.6 ± 2.52.4 ± 20.43
Midline deviation (mm)1.2 ± 0.81.0 ± 0.70.29
Alveolar Height Deficiency (mm)7.8 ± 6.83.0 ± 2.40.01
Max bony gap (mm)2.4 ± 1.21.6 ± 0.70.02
Duration of surgery (min)391.9 ± 41.7340.5 ± 74.50.02