Clinical Study

Modified Suction-Assisted Cartilage Shaver for Axillary Osmidrosis

Figure 1

Blue ellipses represent the identified surgical area of the apocrine glands. We firstly make a 0.5 cm incision in the center of the area (the yellow circle), dissect the subcutaneous tissue, and then introduce the cartilage shaver from the incision. Apocrine glands at dermal-subcutaneous junction are removed radially as the white arrows indicate. The incision wound is closed primarily with 2 stitches of 4-0 polyglactin (yellow lines in the center), and there are multiple obliquely inserted drainage holes made by the 18G needle, on the defatting flap (the black dots). Finally, we anchor the defatting skin with 4-0 polyglactin sutures, which are parallel to the axillary skin crease (the white lines).