Research Article

Elafibranor Inhibits Chronic Kidney Disease Progression in NASH Mice

Figure 2

Chronic elafibranor treatments increased insulin sensitivity of HFD mice with steatohepatitis. Elafibranor had no effects on water ((a), mL/wk) and food ((b), kcal/wk) consumption; parameters of metabolic demands, respiratory quotient (c)/energy expenditure (d); (e) concentration-response curve and area under curve (AUC) of glucose tolerance test (GTT): elafibranor significantly improved the GTT, which was abolished by concomitant SIRT1 inhibitor (EX527) treatment. p<0.05,0.01 versus NC-group; p<0.05 versus HFD-group; p<0.05 versus HFD-elaf group.
