Research Article

Experimental Scedosporiosis Induces Cerebral Oedema Associated with Abscess regarding Aquaporin-4 and Nrf-2 Depletions

Figure 2

Brain histopathological findings in scedosporiosis rats with or without treatment. After inoculation with Scedosporium apiospermum for week, two stages of brain abscess were developed, early ((a)-(c)) and late ((d)-(e)) cerebritis. In early cerebritis, perivascular cuffing mainly with neutrophil was found around the site of infection (). The appearances of perivascular cuffing were characterized by either absent (b) or present (c) of the perivascular space (). In late cerebritis, a granulomatous lesion was observed ((d)-(e)). This lesion composed of a central necrotic area, where a number of fungal hyphae were found ((f); arrow), surrounded with a pack of inflammatory cells particularly neutrophil without fibrous capsule formation. Unlike the brain without abscess (g), the presence of mononuclear cells deposition in the meninges was noted in the abscessed brain ((h); ). Moreover, severe hemorrhage was generally seen in cerebral parenchyma ((i); arrow).