Research Article

Mass Spectrometry Amyloid Typing Is Reproducible across Multiple Organ Sites

Table 1

Clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients.

CaseSexAgeClinical DiagnosisSerum ProteinFLC κFLC λFLCCardiomyopathyNephropathy
[mg/L][mg/L]κ/λ ratio

1M68MGUSIgG κ449.591.04.939Mayo 3NS + RI
2M58MMIgD κ241. 51241.5Mayo 3NS + RI
3M49MGUSκ2114.336.757.61Mayo 3NS + RI
4M70MMκ906.316.554.90Mayo 3NS + RI
5F78MMκ1588.224.465.09Mayo 3NS
6M63MGUSλ18.2593.40.031Mayo 3NS + RI
7F75MGUSIgA λ18.7284.70.066Mayo 3NS + RI
8M84MGUSIgA λ47.284.10.561Mayo 3NS + RI
9F67MGUSλ21.170.10.302Mayo 3NS + RI
10M77-NDNDNDNDMayo 3-
11M49MGUSλ22.6495.10.046Mayo 3NS

FLC, free light chains; MGUS, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance; MM, multiple myeloma; ND, not determined; NS, nephrotic syndrome; RI, renal insufficiency (creatinine level ≥130 μmol/L); Mayo, Mayo Clinic staging system (1–3) based on troponin T and NT-proBNP levels.
Reference range: FLC κ: 3.3–19.4 mg/L; FLC λ: 5.7–26.3 mg/L; FLC κ/λ ratio 0.26–1.65.