Research Article

Propranolol Treatment for Infantile Hemangiomas: Short-Term Adverse Effects and Follow-Up to Age Two

Table 2

Adverse effects within 6-months of follow-up.


Cases with only one kind of AE
GI symptomSum = 40
Increased stool frequency5
Active bowel sound1
Feeding difficulty2
Original diarrhea aggravation2
Blood-streak stool1
Poor appetite1
CNS symptomSum = 15
Reduced total sleep time, increased night awakening time#3
Somnolence, reduced sleep time at night#1
Reduced sleep time at night#1
Restless sleep#1
Increased night awakening time#1
Agitation, decreased total sleep time#1

Cases with 2 kinds of AEsSum = 8
Diarrhea, agitation1
Diarrhea, insomnia-early#1
Diarrhea, hypoprosexia 1
Active bowel sound, restless sleep#1
Diarrhea, decreased total sleep#1
Increased stool frequency; increased sleep time at night#1
Severe diarrhea, vomit, feeding difficulty; agitation 1
Severe diarrhea; decreased total sleep time#1

OthersSum = 7
Cold and sweaty hands and feet2
Short of breath when the child cough2
Cyanosis of lips1
Hair thinning1
Growth retardation1

Sum diarrhea cases = 34 (48.57%), sum sleep disorder cases = 16 (22.86%), 1 case of this group drop-out, 3 other drop-out cases, had diarrhea when propranolol was increased to 1 mg/kg/day, and hypoprosexia when propranolol was increased to 1.5 mg/kg/day, other 7 children’s adverse effects happened together, #belong to sleep disorder.