Research Article

Lower Extremity Salvage with Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Free Flap in Condition of Symmetrical Peripheral Gangrene

Table 2

Functional Ambulation Classification (FAC) assessment scale levels.

FAC levelAmbulation descriptionDefinition

1NonfunctionalUnable to ambulate

2Dependent, level IIRequires manual contact of one person during ambulation on level surfaces
Manual contact is continuous and necessary to support body weight and/or to maintain balance or assist coordination

3Dependent, level IIRequires manual contact of one person during ambulation on level surfaces
Manual contact is continuous or intermittent light touch to assist balance or coordination

4Dependent, supervisionAmbulation occurs on level surfaces without manual contact of another person
Requires stand-by guarding of one person because of poor judgement, questionable cardiac status, or the need for verbal cuing to complete the task

5Independent, level surfaces onlyAmbulation is independent on level surfaces
Requires supervision/physical assistance to negotiate stairs, inclines, or unlevel surfaces

6Independent, level and nonlevel surfacesAmbulation is independent on unlevel and level surfaces, stairs, and inclines