Research Article

Effect of Different Carbon Sources on Biosurfactants’ Production by Three Strains of Lactobacillus spp.

Table 8

Chemical composition of biosurfactants produced by lactobacilli strains while using sugar cane molasses or glycerol as substrate.

SubstratesLAB strainsTotal proteins
(g/100 gMS)
Total sugars
(g/100 gMS)
Total lipids
(g/100 gMS)

MolassesLb. cellobiosus TM152.93 ± 1.2746.66 ± 0.470.00 ± 0.00
Lb. delbrueckii N263.64 ± 0.2435.26 ± 1.101.10 ± 0.70
Lb. plantarum G888.96 ± 0.5351.13 ± 0.9239.60 ± 0.65

GlycerolLb. cellobiosus TM14.20 ± 0.5127.10 ± 0.3668.20 ± 1.96
Lb. delbrueckii N23.18 ± 0.9431.26 ± 1.3665.23 ± 1.07
Lb. plantarum G881.20 ± 0.1443.96 ± 1.4054.40 ± 0.30

LAB = lactic acid bacteria; values are means ± standard deviation; ; a, b, c, and so on indicated column comparison; values followed by the same letter in superscript on the same column are not significantly different () according to Duncan’s multiple range test.