Clinical Study

Efficacy of Ingenol Mebutate in the Treatment of Actinic Keratoses: A Pre- and Posttreatment Dermoscopic Comparative Analysis

Table 1

Study population and efficacy data, related to clinical and dermoscopic response.

VariableClinical responseP-valueDermoscopic responseP-valueTotal

Age80 ± 4.875.7 ± 6.90.09977.7 ± 4.876.1 ± 7.10.53576.4 ± 6.7

7.3 ± 2.46 ± 4.30.4425.1 ± 2.46.5 ± 4.30.3656.2 ± 4

VAS2.8 ± 2.44.3 ± 2.30.0953.6 ± 2.64.2 ± 2.40.4964.1 ± 2.4


 Male7 (17.5%)33 (82.5%)8 (20%)32 (80%)40 (100%)

 Female1 (8.3%)11 (91.7%)1 (8.3%)11 (91.7%)12 (100%)

Lesion site0.32450.0048

 Face3 (11.1%)24 (88.9%)1 (3.7%)26 (96.3%)27 (100%)

 Scalp5 (23.8%)16 (76.2%)8 (38.1%)13 (61.9%)21 (100%)

 Trunk & extremities0 (0%)4 (100%)0 (0%)4 (100%)4 (100%)

Pre-treatment clinical grade0.38020.6325

 I0 (0%)4 (100%)0 (0%)4 (100%)4 (100%)

 II3 (11.5%)23 (88.5%)5 (19.2%)21 (80.8%)26 (100%)

 III5 (22.7%)17 (77.3%)4 (18.2%)18 (81.8%)22 (100%)

Pre-treatment dermoscopic grade0.26690.0232

 I2 (16.7%)10 (83.3%)5 (41.7%)7 (58.3%)12 (100%)

 II0 (0%)11 (100%)0 (0%)11 (100%)11 (100%)

 III6 (20.7%)23 (79.3%)4 (13.8%)25 (86.2%)29 (100%)

Total n of patients8 (15.4%)44 (84.6%)9 (17.3%)43 (82.7%)52 (100%)

LSR, local skin reaction; VAS, visual analogue scale.