Research Article

The Effect of LAB as Probiotic Starter Culture and Green Tea Extract Addition on Dry Fermented Pork Loins Quality

Figure 2

(a), (b) Principal components analysis of the matrix of mean sensory attributes ratings across the fermented pork loins produced with probiotic culture Lb. rhamnosus LOCK900 (P1), Lb. rhamnosus LOCK900 with glucose and extract of green tea (P2), and the control (P0); (a) after ripening; (b) after storage. (1) Smoked odour, (2) dried meat odour, (3) acid odour, (4) off-flavour odour, (5) other odours, (6) colour intensity, (7) colour homogeneity, (8) juiciness, (9) smoked flavor, (10) dried meat flavor, (11) salty taste, (12) bitter taste, (13) stinging flavor, (14) storage flavor, (15) other flavor, and (16) overall quality.