Research Article

Dealing with Stigma: Experiences of Persons Affected by Disabilities and Leprosy

Table 4

Understandings of leprosy, disability, and cure.

People affected by leprosyPeople affected by disabilities

Rematik RheumaticBentuk tubuh berbeda, tidak normal Different form of body, abnormal
Bercak Skin patchRusak Broken
Mati rasa Loss of sensitivityTidak bisa digunakan Cannot be used
Bengkok Crawling handsCara beda, tidak normal Different way, abnormal
Putus Falling apart fingersPalsu Prosthesis
Luka WoundKatarak Cataract
Pegallinu PainPolio Polio
Gatal ItchyDiperlakukan sebagai orang sakit Be treated as patients
Kambuh ReactionDisuruh di rumah Asked to stay at home
Ke puskesmas sebulan sekali ambil obat Once a month take medicine from the community health serviceDilindungi karena sakit Protected due to illness
Rutin minumobat Take medicine routinely Diabaikan karena tidak berguna Ignored due to uselessness
Dinasehati terus Be continually advisedPakai alat (kruk, kursi roda, tongkat putih, etc.) Use device (wheelchair, crutch, white cane, etc.)

Kotor DirtyVirus Virus
Guna-guna MagicDari lahir From birth
Kutukan CurseKeturunan Genetic
Keturunan GeneticKecelakaan Accident
Alergy AllergyTidak bisa sembuh dan sudah nasib Cannot cure, destiny
Dosa Sin

Sembuh berarti tidak ada bercak, pegal linu dll Cure means no skin patch, no pain, and so forthTidak ada pengobatan No medical treatment
Sembuh berarti stop minum obat Stop taking medicineTidak perlu berobat, ke dokter, ke puskesmas No need to see doctor, no need to take medicine from community health service
Diterima Be acceptedDipandang bila punya uang, kerja/usaha, status sosial, dekat dengan pemerintah dan tokoh masyarakat Be recognized if having money, job/business, social status, close with government and community leader
Bisa beraktivitas (kerja, sekolah, ke pasar, ke sawah dll) Can perform activities (work, school, market, farm, etc.)