Review Article

Potential and Prospects of Trichoderma in Plant Protection

Table 5

Various methods to prepare biocontrol formulation of Trichoderma [78].

S. No.Formulation typeMethodology

1Talc basedSterilized talc powder is mixed with mycelia grown in liquid medium at 1 : 2 ratios. When the medium reaches 8% moisture, it needs to be dried under shade. The Trichoderma talc formulation can be stored for 3–4 months

2Vermiculite-wheat bran basedIn an oven, 33 g of wheat bran and 100 g of vermiculite are sterilised for 3 days at 70°C to multiply the mycelia. Then 20 g ferment or biomass is mixed with 0.05N medium and the entire concentrated biomass is mixed with HCl and dried in shade

3Pesta granules basedThe Fermentor biomass is mixed with 100 g of wheat flour. Then a layer of 1 mm thick dough is prepared and air-dried until it breaks crisply. After air drying, the dough sheet is ground and passed through an 18 mesh to collect the granules

4Banana waste basedDifferent banana wastes are chopped into small pieces, such as the sheath, pseudo stem, and core, and layered in a pit. Different ingredients are added in five layers within the pit. One ton of banana waste, 5 kg of urea, 125 kg of rock phosphate, and 1 L of broth culture of Trichoderma are mixed thoroughly and that much of requirements for single layer. Five different layers are prepared in the same way and mixed thoroughly. Within 45 days, banana waste decomposes and is easily used in the field

5Press mud basedOne week old T. viride culture broth evenly mix with 120 kg press mud. To keep moisture in the mixture, water is sprinkled on. It is covered in gunny bags, which also help air circulation and trap the moisture. As the same procedure, eight tons of press mud are added to it, mixed it well, and incubated for 8 days under shade. In this way, 8,000 times more inoculums of biopesticides were added, then recommended, resulting in rapid and visible establishment of the biopesticides