Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

Security, Privacy, and Trust Issues in 6G-enabled Sensing and Localization

Publishing date
01 Sep 2022
Submission deadline
13 May 2022

Lead Editor

1Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China

2National Ilan University, Yilan, Taiwan

3Old Dominion University, Norfolk, USA

Security, Privacy, and Trust Issues in 6G-enabled Sensing and Localization


Following the trend initiated in 5G new radio systems, 6G will continue to develop towards even higher frequency ranges, wider bandwidths, and massive antenna arrays. It will be a truly intelligent wireless system that will not only provide ubiquitous communication but also empower high-accuracy localization and high-resolution sensing services. There will be an increased number of location-based service providers and multi-user devices supporting cooperative and opportunistic services. All such stakeholders in the positioning chain, such as automated driving, health monitoring, social media, and surveillance systems, would greatly benefit from the availability of new security, privacy, and trust solutions for localization systems.

While device- and edge-based localization solutions could preserve privacy to some extent, the widely utilized network- and cloud-based localization solutions, which aim at reducing power consumption and enabling massive location-based IoT connectivity, have raised the question of trust in service providers. Service providers’ vulnerabilities could be exploited by possible attackers to extract users’ location patterns and to misuse the information for identity theft, burglary, toll avoidance, stalking, etc. However, more than ten years of research and development of security technologies have not yet led to a widely available offer of generic and affordable standard solutions.

Therefore, this Special Issue is devoted to the presentation of original research and review articles detailing innovations and improvements in the field of advanced security, privacy, and trust technologies for 6G-enabled localization and sensing, especially for network- and cloud-based localization solutions, which includes theory, design, modeling, configuration, characterization, data processing, data analysis, and applications.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Security, privacy, and trust for designing 6G framework
  • Security, privacy, and trust benchmarking, assessment, evaluation, and standards in 6G
  • Security, privacy, and trust for 6G-enabled positioning, navigation, and tracking
  • Security, privacy, and trust for 6G-enabled ubiquitous, intelligent, and cooperative sensing
  • Security, privacy, and trust for 6G-enabled location-based services and applications
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
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Submission to final decision151 days
Acceptance to publication66 days
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