Research Article

EPVNE: An Efficient Parallelizable Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm

Algorithm 3

(1)Neigh ⟵ {P[0]}
(2)Sum ⟵ CPU(P[0])
(3)For j = P·length-1 to 1 do
(4)If P[j] ∈ Vneiunused(P[0]) do
(5)  If |Neigh| == speedup do
(6)   Remove the node with the lowest CPU value from Neigh
(7)   Sum = Sum-CPU (the node with the lowest CPU value)
(8)  End if
(9)  add P[j] to Neigh
(10)  Sum = Sum + CPU(P[j])
(11) End if
(12)If Sum ≥ Q[i] do
(13)  Break;
(14) End if
(15)End for
(16)Map Q[i] to the elements in Neigh
(17)Remove the elements in Neigh from P