Research Article

EPVNE: An Efficient Parallelizable Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm

Algorithm 1

(1)//initialization phase
(2)Q ⟵ Sorted virtual nodes in nonincreasing order according to their CPU requirement;
(3)P ⟵ Sorted substrate nodes in nonincreasing order according to their ACPU;
(4)//node mapping phase
(5)Mapping the virtual nodes in queue Q in turn,
i ⟵ 0 to Q·length-1;
(6)If CPU(Q·[i]) ≤ CPU(P[0]) then
(7) Mapping Q[i] to one substrate nodes using Algorithm 2;
(9) Mapping Q[i] to multiple substrate nodes using Algorithm 3;
(10)//link mapping phase
(11)Dijkstra’s algorithm is used to find a substrate path for each virtual link.