Research Article

Palatable Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride Solid Dispersed Fast-Dissolving Films: Formulation and In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization

Table 3

Score mean for evaluation of palatability and in vivo disintegration time on human participants of the selected fast-dissolving films of levocetirizine dihydrochloride.

Formulation codeV-1V-2V-3V-4V-5V-6Score mean In vivo disintegration time (sec.)

Drug powder4444444.0
LF-42324242.88.14 ± 3.38
LF-70100100.39.43 ± 2.16

(n = 3; mean ± SD), V: volunteer, scores: 0-non bitter, 1-slightly bitter, 2-bitter, 3-moderate bitter, and 4-strong bitter (, ).