Review Article

Expression Marker-Based Strategy to Improve Beef Quality

Figure 1

Beef sensory quality. A complex phenotypic trait that is expressed postmortem. A combination of molecular processes in the muscle both in the live animal and during the peri- and postmortem period (stress, interaction of the whole carcass, and muscle characteristics with cooler temperatures affecting rates and extents of postmortem pH decline, ageing, and cooking) contributes to development of beef quality. In particular, the muscle characteristics of the live animals play an important role. However, less than one-third to a fourth of the variability in beef tenderness and flavour can be explained by variability in the muscle characteristics of live animals. The beef industry is looking for biological or molecular indicators that would identify live animals with desirable quality attributes, in order to orientate them towards the most accurate production or market system, provided that slaughtering conditions are controlled.