Research Article

Stock Price Change Rate Prediction by Utilizing Social Network Activities

Table 10

A list of models for stock change prediction and trading signal generation.

Modelchange rate predictionTrading signal generationDescription
FeaturesLearning methodFeaturesLearning method

MKR-all-GA (proposed)News/comments/historical dataMultiple kernel (MKR)Prediction/RSI/WPR/BIASGAIntegration of MKR and GA. Three feature sets are used in MKR
SVR-ts-GAHistorical dataSingle kernel (SVR)Prediction/RSI/WPR/BIASGAIntegration of SVR and GA. Stock prices and transaction volumes are used in SVR
SVR-news-GANewsSingle kernel (SVR)Prediction/RSI/WPR/BIASGAIntegration of SVR and GA. Features from news are used in SVR
SVR-coms-GAUser commentsSingle kernel (SVR)Prediction/RSI/WPR/BIASGAIntegration of SVR and GA. Features from user comments are used in SVR
SVR-all-GANews/comments/historical dataSingle kernel (SVR)Prediction/RSI/WPR/BIASGAIntegration of SVR and GA. Three feature sets are used in SVR
SVR-ts-STSHistorical dataSingle kernel (SVR) No learning; sign functionSVR and a simple trading strategy. Features from stock prices and transaction volumes are used in SVR
SVR-news-STSNewsSingle kernel (SVR) No learning; sign functionSVR and a simple trading strategy. Features from news are used in SVR
SVR-coms-STSUser commentsSingle kernel (SVR) No learning; sign functionSVR and a simple trading strategy. Features from user comments are used in SVR
SVR-all-STSNews/comments/historical dataSingle kernel (SVR) No learning; sign functionSVR and a simple trading strategy. Three feature sets are used in SVR
MKR-all-STSNews/comments/historical dataMultiple kernel (MKR) No learning; sign functionMKR and a simple trading strategy. Three feature sets are used in MKR
ANN-all-STSNews/comments/historical dataArtificial neural network (ANN)No learning; sign functionANN and a simple trading strategy. Three feature sets are used in ANN
Buy and Hold No learning No learningBuy and then hold the position, until the end of the testing period
Sell and Hold* No learning No learningSell and then hold the position, until the end of the testing period

Note for “Sell and Hold,” we do margin transaction.