Research Article

Multiobjective Memetic Estimation of Distribution Algorithm Based on an Incremental Tournament Local Searcher

Pseudocode 1

The main pseudocode of ITLS.
Step  1. Find non-dominated solutions N(t) from population P(t), and assign crowding distance to N(t).
Step  2. Select non-dominated solutions from N(t) by crowding distance to form tournament pool.
If the size of N(t) is less than , then all of N(t) are selected.
Step  3. Perform tournament selection with tournament size from the tournament pool by crowding distance and
non-dominated solutions are selected, called active subpopulation.
Step  4. Solutions from active subpopulation and tournament pool are selected randomly to implement simulated binary
crossover operator and polynomial mutation. All of the new solutions are merged into new population O(t).