Research Article

Real-Time Tracking by Double Templates Matching Based on Timed Motion History Image with HSV Feature

Algorithm 1

tMHI-HSV-based DTM tracking.
( ) Input: Video frames stream
( ) Output: Object center position and rectangle
silhouette .
( ) for each ,    do
( )   if  
( )   Initialize the to establish the offline template
   , the online template and the algorithm
 parameter, such as , , , and so forth.
( )else
( )     Segment the moving object by using tMHI
( )     Get the candidate object patches ( )
( )   for each ,   do
( )     Calculate the HSV color histograms of .
( )     Calculate the best candidate object and
( )     Update the online template,
( )    Update the offline template, if
( )   Output the center position and rectangle
 silhouette from the best candidate patch
( )end for
( )   end if
( )end for