Research Article

Enhancing Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Self-Adaptive Searching Strategy and Artificial Immune Network Operators for Global Optimization

Algorithm 2

Modified initialization step of ABC algorithm.
Set the population size SN, the number of randomly generated individuals , the maximum number of chaotic
iterations , the number of optimization parameters D, and the individual counter ,
 {- -Chaotic systems- -}
for   to   do
    for   to D  do
       Randomly initialize the first chaotic variable and set iteration counter
       for   to N  do
       end for
    end for
end for
 {- - Affinity-based compression method- -}
 Set the threshold value and the individual counter ,
for   to ( ) do
     for   to   do
          , delete the individual in the population
       end if
    end for
end for
 Selecting fittest individuals form set as initial population